How does the process work?
Protect Our Crew can be used as a standalone module, or in conjunction with Feed Our Crew and/or Control Our Crew.
We provide all the necessary Health and Safety information your crew need to know in a PDF document, including a multiple-choice assessment.
Once this data is uploaded into the system, we trigger a bulk email that’s tracked to make sure it’s sent.
This email contains a QR code and instructs your crew to read and understand the Health and Safety information before answering the test questions.
You’re then able to access the results from this test in our online system at any time using the QR code, by showing the emailed QR code on your phone.
If you’re successful in passing the test, you’ll receive an email that confirms your results - so your Health and Safety team can scan your crew’s QR codes (on their cards or emails) at any
time to provide proof that they’ve passed.
And what’s more, and any onsite inductions carried out can be recorded and checked in our system, too.