Feed Crew Logo


Tired of handing out food vouchers to remind crew about where to find food and when? That Is where Feed Our Crew comes in.

Built using the latest cloud-based technology, Feed Our Crew offers a cost-saving solution to crew food management and saves you valuable time by simply utilising your existing data to help you better understand your true catering needs.

So you can save time, effort, and money - and keep your crew well fed.

How does Feed Our Crew Work?

Feed Our Crew uses the latest cloud-based servers, so it can be used via any web browser connected to the connected.

We identify crew using robust QR codes or contactless cards. QR codes can be scanned on any android mobile phone

So the good news is, our entry level solution doesn’t need you to buy or rent any expensive kit – you can even use your own phone!


How does the process work?

Firstly, we set up your event in our system. Next, we import your initial crew or meal plan spread sheet, which you are probably already sending to your caterer.

You can login via any web browser connected to the internet.

Once you’ve logged in you’ll be able to add any additional users manually and set their meal plan.

Once you’ve decided on your meal plan and you’re ready to go ahead and confirm, we’ll trigger an initial bulk email to all registered users.

We track this email to make sure you and all your crew receive it.

Pre Event

What happens before an event?


You'll receive a personalised email containing information about your individual meal plan.


Select Meal Preferences to manage your own meal preferences and dietary requirements - you can choose from a variety of options to tailor your preferences or requirements.

If you need to give us any more detailed information about your personalised dietary requirements, you can submit this information on this page.

Finally, you can then save your personalised information where it’ll be stored on Feed Our Crew for future meal preferences!


You can explore your meal plans ahead of time, too - if you select the links you can even add meals to your personal calendar reminders. So you’ll never forget where and when you’re able to grab a crew meal!

If you’d like to see what’s on offer ahead of time, you can select different days and mealtimes on the calendar to see what the forthcoming menus include.

Selecting the Meals tab gives both you and the caterers to access an instant snapshot of the meals needed for any event - so you can provide the catering team with a full dietary requirement breakdown in real time.

Pre Event

What’s required on site?

We can provide android phones and sim cards, power supplies and stands as required at each catering station, or a contactless card reader.

It’s worth noting that we’ll need you to provide access to a 2MB Wired or Wi-Fi connection if there’s one available, or we can use a 3G/4G mobile network.


What happens before an event?


Your catering staff log on with their username and password. Once they’re logged in, they’ll be able to selection the catering service location from the list.

Food service can now begin!


Once your crew present their FTC QR code or contactless card for scanning, it’ll let your catering team know whether their meal is authorised or unauthorised.


If an unauthorised message appears, they may not have a meal allocated for them - or they may have already eaten!


If the crew’s meal is authorised, their name and dietary requirements will appear.


Knowing who your crew are on first name terms means your caterers and crew and can build a friendly and personal rapport - making mealtimes far more relaxed and enjoyable for both caterers and crew.

Your caterers can easily log crew meal choices such as meat or vegetarian options to provide accurate reporting - this means you're able to reduce waste and forecast meal choices more effectively.

Meal Service

How does the process work?

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Real time statistics allow your caterers to see the number of meals to still to be served and the number of meals already taken - at any point during the service.

These numbers even update in real time throughout the meal service - so your caterers know exactly where they stand as they work

Meal Service

How would you rate your meal?

Feed Our Crew also offers the option of rating your food!

Once the crew have eaten their meal, the rate the meal option becomes available online – this allows crew to rate their meal on a scale from 1 to 5.

These ratings provide your caterers with valuable KPIs - which means they can take any meal feedback on board to make sure they offer crew irresistible menus. This helps reduce the number of staff opting to buy their own food, which also minimises food waste.

Meal Service

Post Event Analysis - After mealtimes

During meal service, the time, date and type of meal your crew choose is all stored in our Feed Our Crew database.

Our real time metrics show you the current uptake of food that’s been ordered, for an individual meal service and across the entire event.

We can even provide you with customised reports - all you simply need to do is request them.

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